03-01-2020_Not Ashamed (Week 16)- Notes
03-01-2020_Not Ashamed (Week 16)- Notes - Give Yourself Away”
  • 02/29/202003-01-2020_Not Ashamed (Week 16)- Notes
    03-01-2020_Not Ashamed (Week 16)- Notes
    03-01-2020_Not Ashamed (Week 16)- Notes - Give Yourself Away”
  • 02/22/202002-23-2020_Not Ashamed (week 15) Pre-Post Notes
    02-23-2020_Not Ashamed (week 15) Pre-Post Notes
    02-23-2020_Not Ashamed (week 15) Pre-Post Notes
  • 02/15/2020Not Ashamed (Week 14) Romans 5:12-21 “A Tale of Two Adams”
    Not Ashamed (Week 14) Romans 5:12-21 “A Tale of Two Adams”
    Not Ashamed (Week 14) Romans 5:12-21 “A Tale of Two Adams”
    Introduction “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, in this way death spread to all people, because all sinned. In fact, sin was in the world before The Law, but sin is not charged to a person’s account when there is no law. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who did not sin in the likeness of Adam’s transgression. He is a type of the Coming One.” Romans 5:12-14 It has often been called “the most difficult passage in the book of Romans”. And on the surface, it does seem confusing and convoluted. But, to fully understand Romans 5:12-21 is to understand the very essence of the Christian faith and the necessity for salvation through the One Man Jesus Christ. For in this passage, we see the “tale of two Adams”, as it were; the first Adam bringing us death, and the second one offering us life.
  • 02/02/2020Not Ashamed (Week 13) Romans 5:5-11 “But Wait… There’s More!”
    Not Ashamed (Week 13) Romans 5:5-11 “But Wait… There’s More!”
    Not Ashamed (Week 13) Romans 5:5-11 “But Wait… There’s More!”
    Introduction We all remember those infomercials from when we were younger. The excited announcer would describe whatever product they were trying to sell in the most flattering way imaginable. He would list all the great attributes of the product, and just when you thought that the presentation was over and you had seen it all, he exclaims, “But wait, there’s more!”
  • 01/26/2020Not Ashamed (Week 12) Romans 5:1-5 “Sustained By Grace”
    Not Ashamed (Week 12) Romans 5:1-5 “Sustained By Grace”
    Not Ashamed (Week 12) Romans 5:1-5 “Sustained By Grace”
    One of the most controversial doctrines within the body of Christ is that of “Eternal Security”, otherwise known as “Once saved…always saved”. In Romans Chapter Four, Paul makes it abundantly clear for us that we are saved by grace alone, and that no man’s “good work” can obtain a right standing before a Holy and just God. But what happens after a person is saved? Can he lose his salvation by not living up to God’s perfect standards? And if so, just how far does a person have to fall before he crosses that invisible line and loses favor with God? These are but a few of the questions that have caused many a church split, as well as, anxious Christians to walk the floor at night, wondering if they have somehow fallen from grace. In fact, several years ago, there was a church just up the street from where I was pastoring, and they boasted of having fifty to sixty baptisms every month. I was genuinely excited when I heard of these numbers until I learned that the church only had about two hundred members! How can you baptize fifty people every month and not have a significant growth in your church membership? It turns out that the church in question was baptizing the same people over and over again, because every time they committed a sin, they were afraid that they had lost their standing with God and had to be saved and baptized all over again! The fact is, this teaching is quite dangerous for one simple reason. It teaches that although we are “saved by grace”, we must “stay saved” by our own power. In other words, while God alone has the power to save you, you alone must keep from losing that salvation by your own power! Here is the simple truth of it all. No one can save themselves, and no one can keep themselves saved. It is ALL a work of grace from start to finish. Just listen to the words Jesus prayed before going to the cross.
    “I Am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I Am coming to You. Holy Father, protect them by Your Name that You have given Me, so that they may be one as We are one. While I was with them, I was protecting them by Your Name that You have given Me. I guarded them and not one of them is lost, except the son of destruction, so that the Scripture may be fulfilled.” John 17:11-12
  • 01/19/2020Not Ashamed (Week 11) Romans 4:9-25 “How Big is YOUR God?”
    Not Ashamed (Week 11) Romans 4:9-25 “How Big is YOUR God?”
    Not Ashamed (Week 11) Romans 4:9-25 “How Big is YOUR God?”
    “He did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, because he was fully convinced that what God had promised, He was also able to do. Therefore, it was credited to him for righteousness.” Romans 4:20-22
    If you were to briefly summarize the entire Fourth Chapter of Romans into a single sentence, it would simply say: Salvation is not attained by works, nor religious observances, but rather, it is only received by the power of God. That pretty much sums up the entire chapter. There is nothing that a person can do to save himself. Therefore, he must rely completely upon God to come to his rescue. And while it is true that we are required to have faith in order to obtain God’s grace, a quick study of the Holy Scriptures will inform us that even the faith that is necessary to save us has been given to us through God’s power.
    “For you are saved by grace through faith; and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift — not from works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
  • 01/12/2020Not Ashamed (Week 10) Romans 4:1-8 “The Testimony of Two Witnesses”
    Not Ashamed (Week 10) Romans 4:1-8 “The Testimony of Two Witnesses”
    Not Ashamed (Week 10) Romans 4:1-8 “The Testimony of Two Witnesses”
    “Abraham believed The LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness.”
    Genesis 15:6
    In Jewish Law, a testimony was only considered valid, if it was given by at least two witnesses
    (Deuteronomy 17:6). As Paul lays out his defense of “salvation by grace through faith”, he calls to the
    stand two of the greatest “witnesses” from Israel’s history to prove his point, that no one can justify
    himself by his works. Apart from God’s redeeming grace, no one can be saved. And this marvelous
    grace can only be received BY FAITH. This is the central message of Romans and even Christianity
    itself, and it stands in contrast with every other religion on the face of this earth. All others beliefs center
    around man’s ability to earn favor with God. But Christianity teaches us, that in order to be saved, every
    man must first admit that he simply cannot save himself.
    If ever there was a person in all of Israel, who would be considered worthy of good standing in the
    eyes of God, it would be Father Abraham. After all, it was he who left everything to follow God and
    received the promise of becoming a great nation.
    …“Go out from your land, your relatives, and your father’s house to the land that I
    will show you. I will make you into a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your
    name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, I will curse
    anyone who treats you with contempt, and all the peoples on earth will be blessed
    through you.” Genesis 12:1-3
  • 12/21/2019Pre-post 12/22/2019 luke 1:5-38 The Setting, The Son, and The Servent
    Pre-post 12/22/2019 luke 1:5-38 The Setting, The Son, and The Servent
    Series: (All)
    Pre-post 12/22/2019 luke 1:5-38 The Setting, The Son, and The Servent
  • 12/14/2019Pre- Post Notes 12-15-19_Christmas 2019
    Pre- Post Notes 12-15-19_Christmas 2019
    Pre- Post Notes 12-15-19_Christmas 2019
  • 12/08/2019Not Ashamed (Week 9) Romans 3:21-31 “ Boast in Christ Alone”
    Not Ashamed (Week 9) Romans 3:21-31 “ Boast in Christ Alone”
    Not Ashamed (Week 9) Romans 3:21-31 “ Boast In Christ Alone”
    “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about Me, yet you refuse to come to Me to have life.” John 5:39-40 (NIV) Pride. The world is filled with it. People everywhere are clamoring for attention, recognition, and acclamation. I cannot help but think of all the so-called “awards shows” where celebrities all get dressed up in their finery, handing out trophies to one another for their supposed achievements in the entertainment industry. It seems that these people just can’t get enough of hearing how wonderful and talented they are. When you take a step back from it all, it is all shallow and quite frankly a bit nauseating. Why is it that all of mankind wants to glorify itself? Could it be that they are simply following in the traditions of Satan himself, who was cast out of heaven for his pridefulness?
    “You said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will set up my throne above the stars of God. I will sit on the mount of the god’s assembly, in the remotest parts of the North. I will ascend above the highest clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’” Isaiah 14:13-14
  • 12/01/201912-01-19_Not Ashamed (Week 8)
    12-01-19_Not Ashamed (Week 8)
    12-01-19_Not Ashamed (Week 8)
  • 11/24/201911-24-19_Not Ashamed (Week 7)
    11-24-19_Not Ashamed (Week 7)
     11-24-19_Not Ashamed (Week 7)
  • 11/17/201911-17-19_Not Ashamed (Week 6)
    11-17-19_Not Ashamed (Week 6)
    This was automatically recovered, cancel to remove this revision or save to recover this autosave. See history
    11-16-19_Not Ashamed (Week 6) 
  • 11/10/2019Judges The Weak Mighty Warrior – David Noe
    Judges The Weak Mighty Warrior – David Noe
    Series: Judges
    11-10-2019 Judges The Weak Mighty Warrior - David Noe
  • 11/02/2019The Outcast
    The Outcast
    Series: (All)
     The Outcast
  • 10/27/201910-27-19_Not Ashamed (Week 5)
    10-27-19_Not Ashamed (Week 5)
    10-27-19_Not Ashamed (Week 5) 
  • 10/20/201910-20-19_Not Ashamed (Week 4)
    10-20-19_Not Ashamed (Week 4)
    10-20-19_Not Ashamed (Week 4)
  • 10/12/201910-13-19_Not-Ashamed-Week-3
    Pre-post Notes 10-13-19_Not-Ashamed-Week-3
  • 09/29/201909-29-19_Not Ashamed (Week 2)
    09-29-19_Not Ashamed (Week 2)
    Not Ashamed (Week 2)
  • 09/22/201909-22-19_Romans – Not Ashamed (week 1)
    09-22-19_Romans – Not Ashamed (week 1)
    09-22-19_Romons Not Ashamed (week 1)
  • 09/15/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 19 finale)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 19 finale)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 19 finale)
  • 09/08/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 18)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 18)
    09-08-19_Living In Resurrection Power (week 18)
  • 09/01/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 17)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 17)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 17) 
  • 08/25/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 16)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 16)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 16)
  • 08/18/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 15)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 15)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 15)
  • 08/11/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 14)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 14)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 14)
  • 08/04/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 13)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 13)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 13)
  • 07/28/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 12)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 12)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 12)
  • 07/21/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 11)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 11)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 11)
  • 07/14/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 10)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 10)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 10)
  • 07/07/2019Living in Resurrection Power (week 9)
    Living in Resurrection Power (week 9)
    Living in Resurrection Power (week 9)
  • 06/30/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 8)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 8)
    Living In ResurrectionPower (week 8)
  • 06/26/201906-23-19_Living In Resurrection Power (week 7)
    06-23-19_Living In Resurrection Power (week 7)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 7)
  • 06/16/2019Living in Resurrection Power (week 6)
    Living in Resurrection Power (week 6)
  • 06/09/2019A Living Hope – David Noe
    A Living Hope – David Noe
    Series: God Is Good
    "A Living Hope - David Noe".
  • 06/02/2019God’s Wisdom Ed
    God’s Wisdom Ed
    Series: God Is Good
    "God's Wisdom Ed".
  • 05/26/2019Living in Resurrection Power (week 5)
    Living in Resurrection Power (week 5)
    "Living in Resurrection Power (week 5)".
  • 05/19/2019Living In Resurrection Power (week 4)
    Living In Resurrection Power (week 4)
    "Living In Resurrection Power (week 4)".
  • 05/12/2019True Love of A Mother
    True Love of A Mother
    Series: Mothers Day
    "True Love of A Mother".
  • 05/05/2019Living in Resurrection Power (week 3)
    Living in Resurrection Power (week 3)
  • 04/28/2019Living in Resurrection Power (week 2)
    Living in Resurrection Power (week 2)
    "Living in Resurrection Power (week 2)".
  • 04/21/2019Living in Resurrection Power-Week 1
    Living in Resurrection Power-Week 1
    "Living in Resurrection Power-Week 1".
  • 04/07/2019Considering Job (week 10 finale)
    Considering Job (week 10 finale)
    Series: Job
    "Considering Job (week 10 finale)".
  • 03/31/2019Considering Job (week 9)
    Considering Job (week 9)
    Series: Job
    "Considering Job (week 9)".
  • 03/24/2019Considering Job (week 8)
    Considering Job (week 8)
    Series: Job
    "Considering Job (week 8)".
  • 03/17/2019Considering Job (week 7)
    Considering Job (week 7)
    Series: Job
    "Considering Job (week 7)".
  • 03/10/2019Considering Job (week 6)
    Considering Job (week 6)
    Series: Job
    "Considering Job (week 6)".
  • 03/03/2019Considering Job (week 5)
    Considering Job (week 5)
    Series: Job
    "Considering Job (week 5)".
  • 02/17/2019Depression & The Christian Life 2_17_19
    Depression & The Christian Life 2_17_19
    Series: Job
    "Depression & The Christian Life 2_17_19".
  • 02/10/2019The Refiner – Ed Sherie
    The Refiner – Ed Sherie
    Series: Job
    "The Refiner - Ed Sherie".
  • 02/03/2019Considering Job (Week 4)
    Considering Job (Week 4)
    "Considering Job (Week 4)".
  • 01/27/2019Considering Job (week 3)
    Considering Job (week 3)
    Series: Job
    "Considering Job (week 3)".
  • 01/20/2019Considering Job (week 2)
    Considering Job (week 2)
    Series: Job
    "Considering Job (week 2)".
  • 01/13/2019Considering Job (week 1)
    Considering Job (week 1)
    Series: Job
  • 12/16/2018The Reason For The Season
    The Reason For The Season
    "The Reason For The Season".
  • 11/25/2018I Believe, So Now What_ (week 10)
    I Believe, So Now What_ (week 10)
    "I Believe, So Now What_ (week 10)".
  • 11/18/2018Believe, So Now What_ (week 9)
    Believe, So Now What_ (week 9)
    "I Believe, So Now What_ (week 9)".
  • 11/11/2018I Believe, So Now What_ (week 8)
    I Believe, So Now What_ (week 8)
    "I Believe, So Now What_ (week 8)".
  • 11/04/2018I Believe, So Now What (week 7)
    I Believe, So Now What (week 7)
    "I Believe, So Now What (week 7)".
  • 10/28/2018I Believe, So Now What (week 6)
    I Believe, So Now What (week 6)
    "I Believe, So Now What (week 6)".
  • 10/21/2018I Believe, So Now What (Week 5)
    I Believe, So Now What (Week 5)
    "I Believe, So Now What (Week 5)".
  • 10/14/2018I Believe, So Now What (Week 4)
    I Believe, So Now What (Week 4)
    "I Believe, So Now What (Week 4)".
  • 10/07/2018God Is Good – Bradley Williams
    God Is Good
    God Is Good – Bradley Williams
    Series: God Is Good
    "God Is Good - Bradley Williams".
  • 09/30/2018I Believe….So Now What_! (week 3)
    I Believe….So Now What_! (week 3)
    "I Believe....So Now What_! (week 3)".
  • 09/23/2018I Believe…So Now What_ (week 2)
    I Believe…So Now What_ (week 2)
    "I Believe...So Now What_ (week 2)".
  • 09/16/2018I Believe…So Now What_! (week one)
    I Believe…So Now What_! (week one)
    "I Believe...So Now What_! (week one)".
  • 09/09/2018Introduction to James
    Introduction to James
    "Introduction to James".
  • 09/02/2018Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (Conclusion)
    Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (Conclusion)
    "Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (Conclusion)".
  • 08/26/2018Gospel Living Heb. 13_1-6
    Gospel Living Heb. 13_1-6
    "Gospel Living Heb. 13_1-6".
  • 08/19/2018Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 26)
    Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 26)
    "Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 26)".
  • 08/12/2018Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 25)
    Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 25)
    "Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 25)".
  • 08/05/2018Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 24)
    Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 24)
    "Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 24)".
  • 07/29/2018Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 23)
    Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 23)
    "Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 23)".
  • 07/22/2018Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 22)
    Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 22)
    "Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 22)".
  • 07/15/2018Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 21)
    Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 21)
    "Jesus, Our Great High Priest Forever (week 21)".