A Life Pleasing To The Lord – Sunday, October 18th 1 Thessalonians 4:9 -12
A Life Pleasing To The Lord - Sunday, October 18th 1 Thessalonians 4:9 12
  At the beginning of chapter 4, Paul prefaces his instructions on
purity, brotherly love, work by explaining that he is doing writing so that we
would know how we are to live and please God.
  • 10/17/2020A Life Pleasing To The Lord – Sunday, October 18th 1 Thessalonians 4:9 -12
    A Life Pleasing To The Lord – Sunday, October 18th 1 Thessalonians 4:9 -12
    A Life Pleasing To The Lord - Sunday, October 18th 1 Thessalonians 4:9 12
      At the beginning of chapter 4, Paul prefaces his instructions on
    purity, brotherly love, work by explaining that he is doing writing so that we
    would know how we are to live and please God.
  • 10/10/2020Salty Mat 5:13-16
    Salty Mat 5:13-16
    Salty Mat 5:13-16
    Today we are talking about salt and light. What is the purpose of the church? Disciples. How do we do that? Sharing the good news with others, Witnessing, Living it, right? If you are a citizen of heaven, then there are a few things that Jesus says about you. You are salt and light In those times, salt was vital. They did not have refrigerators, the youth have a hard time picturing that one, about as hard as in our time the phone was mounted to the wall and mobile meant you had a 9-foot cord. So anyway, they would pack fresh meat and fish they caught in salt to transport it to the market. It was used as we do today to flavor food as well. All I can think of would be salting a country ham; if it was packed in salt, how much more salt could it need? Salt was so important that sometimes Roman soldiers were paid with it. Probably a good reason Jesus used it to make His point. So, what does salt do? It preserves and amplifies the flavor of whatever it is used on. So, Jesus is saying that we are supposed to do the same. We are to help preserve the good in people and keep them from spoiling. As citizens of heaven, we are to put His word into practice in our lives. We should be honest, kind, and loving, helpful, compassionate, and truthful. We should be free of the chains that used to bind us.
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